A brilliant branding opportunity awaits the major sponsor of Matamata’s new indoor sports and recreation hub.

Working Party spokesman Frank Healey says the naming rights partner for the multi-purpose complex at Matamata College will get national, regional and local exposure.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for an individual or company to get their name pinned to a wonderful community asset.”

The two-court facility will cost around $7 million to build.

Sponsorship opportunities include $500,000 to become the Naming Rights Partner for ten years.

Other options are Legacy Partner (donations above $100,000); Platinum ($100,000); Gold ($50,000); Silver ($25,000) and Bronze ($10,000).

Retired Matamata businessman Bruce Magan has already come to the party with a personal donation of $1 million, plus $2 million pledged by Matamata-Piako District Council.

The aim is to start building in the summer of 2022-2023, with completion in mid-2023.

Frank Healey says payment plans are possible for contributions to the project – 60 per cent at the start of construction, then 20 per cent in year two and the same the following year.

“We are just so grateful for community support,” says Frank.

He says contributions will be recognised in all advertising, marketing and promotion relating to the hub, and in the completed building.

“This is about investing in our future.”

Frank says a wide variety of sports and recreational activities will be catered for, covering all ages and abilities.

This includes netball, basketball, volleyball and badminton, plus other activities ranging from martial arts to marching.

Along with the two indoor courts, the hub also includes a multi-purpose room and viewing lounge.

Sited off Station Rd, Frank says the stadium will have obvious college connections and also link with neighbouring Matamata Intermediate and Firth Primary.

He says use will be split approximately 70 per cent community and 30 per cent schools.

The facility will be owned by council and managed by a charitable trust including representatives from Matamata Futures, Sport Waikato, iwi, council and the wider community.

A professional sports management company will run the operation on a day-to-day basis.


By Steve Edwards